tag: Linux

Linux kernel Rust module for rootkit detection

12 Mar, 2025 by Antoine Doglioli
The introduction of Rust into the Linux kernel allows to write kernel drivers in Rust, which we can use to build a kernel-level EDR. This post explores this possibility by designing various checks to detect kernel-level rootkits and implementing them using the kernel’s Rust API. We then discuss the experience of developing in Rust within the Linux kernel.

ECW 2023: Centralized Memory (write-up)

7 Nov, 2023 by Maxime Turlure
Centralized Memory was a hard Linux pwn challenge created for the European Cyber Week CTF 2023 qualifiers. This write-up covers the intended method of exploitation through a race condition, an AES padding bug and a stack overflow.

kSMBd: a quick overview

12 May, 2023 by Arnaud Gatignol, Quentin Minster, Florent Saudel, Guillaume Teissier
In this blogpost, we introduce the analysis of one SMB implementation: kSMBd. It will be followed up by a talk at OffensiveCon 2023 named “Abusing Linux in-kernel SMB server to gain kernel remote code execution”.